The word Chakra is Sanskrit, that literally translates to ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’. Traditionally this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. If you were to visualise a chakra, imagine it as a swirling wheel of energy that gives life. It is this energy that creates and sustains each of us and all living creatures.
Like your phyical body, your internal energy needs to flow and move easily. If there is a blockage, and the energy cannot move fluidly, you may begin to sluggish. Much like a pipe that has developed a blockage and water can no longer flow easily it becomes constricted. It is the same with our bodies and chakras. The key to unblock, shift and evolve to become the highest version of yourself is awareness. By observing and taking time for yourself, you will begin to feel and see where change needs to occur. If all of your chakras are well balanced and energised, you will feel in good health. If however, one or more are under pressure this can affect all of the other chakras.
There are 7 major chakras activate and energise the surrounding area. Each one is associated with a particular colour ranging from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Like an internal rainbow lighting up your energy centers. The chakra system represents the unification of mind, body and soul.
The key to balance is obervance and action. Observe yourself; your behaviour, habits and take action based on your findings. This will in turn create self-awareness. From here you can begin living as the best version of yourself as you have made a conscious choice to be your best self.
The Crown chakra: Sahastrara
The Third Eye chakra: Ajna
Self-reflection, intuition, clarity of sight
Location: Forehead
When it is blocked, you may experience: difficulty making decisions, poor intuition, lack of inspiration
The Throat chakra: Vishuddha
The Heart chakra: Anahata
The Solar Plexus chakra: Manipura
The Sacral chakra: Svadhisthana
The Root chakra: Muladhara